A Dedication of Sorts

To my most surprisingly loyal reader and her band of blindly following sycophants: Being afraid of the truth does not negate it. I realize that you’re afraid of me because I’m one of few who call you out on your lies and fill in the blanks in your version of the truth. I have a right to tell my side. I have done nothing but defend myself from your vicious lies, and I will not be censored. Having said that, this blog is not about you. But if you piss me off, I have a right to vent about it here.

Monday, December 15, 2008

SNN: Sadness

this overwhelming sadness sets in
And you start thinking about something
you had almost convinced yourself you had forgotten
And this awful feeling hits you
Like an answer to a question
you never really meant to ask
And you know that it's true because otherwise you wouldn't be crying

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