Those little fat ladies
With their big rounded bellies
Outside of their churches
Eating doughnuts with jellies
Gossiping, self-righteous
Only their way is right
Only pause the backstabbing
To be seen as polite
But turn your back quickly
So they don't have to wait
To tell So-and-So
Who you've started to date
Whispers and giggles
That put teen girls to shame
Secret codes in their language
Like some sci-fi geek game
Offended they get
To have you play their game
For they sure can dish out
But they can't take the same
Just try turning the tables
On them but one time
And with horror they'll scream
“Why, you're no friend of mine!”
Family life they'll defend
Till their dying day
Unless family displeases
Then they'll be sent away
To their infants they make
Their most secret confessions
For who else to confide in
But your precious possessions?
Upon introductions
You'll hear quite a story
Of their victimized lives
That should make you quite sorry
'Cause for all the “belief”
That they hide behind
The intolerance and judging
Makes them quite blind
And for all the frustration
You may feel at their sight
There is more of a reason
To pity their plight
Upon closer inspection
It's so sad to see
There's a lack of connection
With reality
This is a personal blog from my perspective about my life and anything else I may feel like expressing an opinion about.

A Dedication of Sorts
To my most surprisingly loyal reader and her band of blindly following sycophants: Being afraid of the truth does not negate it. I realize that you’re afraid of me because I’m one of few who call you out on your lies and fill in the blanks in your version of the truth. I have a right to tell my side. I have done nothing but defend myself from your vicious lies, and I will not be censored. Having said that, this blog is not about you. But if you piss me off, I have a right to vent about it here.
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