A Dedication of Sorts

To my most surprisingly loyal reader and her band of blindly following sycophants: Being afraid of the truth does not negate it. I realize that you’re afraid of me because I’m one of few who call you out on your lies and fill in the blanks in your version of the truth. I have a right to tell my side. I have done nothing but defend myself from your vicious lies, and I will not be censored. Having said that, this blog is not about you. But if you piss me off, I have a right to vent about it here.

Monday, December 22, 2008


Black, like the rain clouds, he mused of his soul
(Eliciting laughter from all those who came
Night after night drawn by the warmth)
Black like the clothes and the words of their youth
Dripping with irony, anarchy, angst...

Now in the sunny midday of age
Uncertain stability reigns
And more practical thoughts take the stage
(Can providing be measured in numbers
...or feelings?)

Humility as doubt visits still
Carrying questions we answer more easily for others,
Never ourselves
(Life has an interesting sense of humor)

It would be a crime then, on our part
Having warmed by the generous flames,
Not to smile at the ponderings of darkness
Raise a glass (pointing out the glowing crowd)
And say thank you

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