I got tired of seeing the same post every time I clicked over to the blog, so I felt compelled to post something--anything--else. So, blah, blah, blah. :)
I think I like the disciplined way in which the Simon and Ivan blog is scheduled to be updated ever so regularly (aside from times of illness and camping mishaps) and feel inspired to follow suit. Of course there are two of them to share the updating duties. But I'll persevere. Power through, etc. Plus, I really do like to - what would the writing equivalent of hear oneself talk be? I like to read my own writing. Sometimes, when I've written what I consider a clever piece (and really, if you can't be your own fan how can you expect others to be?) I read it whenever I stumble upon it and praise my own wittiness in my head (or out loud, if a family member happens to be near). I know it's odd to admit to such behavior without having had a drop of alcohol, but I'm choosing to think of it as honest and possibly brave instead.
Ok, that'll do for now.
This is a personal blog from my perspective about my life and anything else I may feel like expressing an opinion about.

A Dedication of Sorts
To my most surprisingly loyal reader and her band of blindly following sycophants: Being afraid of the truth does not negate it. I realize that you’re afraid of me because I’m one of few who call you out on your lies and fill in the blanks in your version of the truth. I have a right to tell my side. I have done nothing but defend myself from your vicious lies, and I will not be censored. Having said that, this blog is not about you. But if you piss me off, I have a right to vent about it here.
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